Corporate Physiotherapy Services in Perth CBD

Corporate Physiotherapy Services
Recent data suggest that Australians are spending more and more time at work. If you work in an office environment, you probably spend up to eight or even more hours a day sitting at your work station. Over the course of months and years this will impact on your body’s mechanics.

Incorrect working practices at seated workstations can manifest in a number of ways including backache, disc problems, neck pain, shoulder pain, arm numbness and headaches. It can also affect concentration, productivity and general well-being.


It is very important that workstations are ‘set up’ to best meet each individuals’ requirements in terms of chair position and height, monitor placement, pointing device and keyboard use, level of light and so on. Physiotherapists are trained to assess and improve seated workstations and provide this type of ergonomic advice.

At Central City Physiotherapy, we’re proud to offer ergonomic assessments with Vien Chan and Keith Cheng, to help improve your health at work.

 Onsite Physiotherapy

At Central City Physiotherapy we offer onsite physiotherapy treatment which helps to reduce workplace injuries from overuse, which also helps to keep people at work. Early intervention for all injuries leads to faster recovery and improved productivity, happiness and well being.

 Onsite Massage

Onsite corporate massage is a healthy way of revitalising and rewarding your staff. We will come to your office with all the equipment that is required. We can do the massage at the person’s workstation or on our comfortable seated massage chair. Our Remedial Massage therapists don’t use messy oils and there is no need to remove clothing.


Contact us today to see how we can help you reduce workplace injuries and increase productivity! You can call us on 08 9421 1733, or fill out the below form.

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    Corporate Physiotherapy Services | Central City Physiotherapy |
    (08) 9421 1733